Have you been looking for a simple way to make big changes in your life?
Maybe you’ve already discovered the benefits of essential oils but you’re looking for a way to extend them into your everyday routine?
Are you searching for your next favorite accessory? Look no further, you’ve come to the right place.

Welcome! I’m glad you’re here!

My name is Amanda and I created Amabilis with a simple goal in mind; to provide high-quality, beautiful, and elegant diffusion bracelets designed to give you all the health benefits of essential oil diffusion only an arm’s length away. Ever since I was a child, I have always loved hand-made jewelry. I have vivid memories of bringing home store-bought jewelry only to deconstruct and re-design them with my own style and personality. When I say jewelry is my passion, I mean it.

Last year I discovered the magic of essential oils and began to experience their health and beauty benefits first-hand. Whether it was calming my nerves with Lavender oil, giving myself a little afternoon boost with some Peppermint, using Sandalwood to help me focus, and everything in between, I saw essential oils change the quality of my life in a major way. I had found my bliss and I knew I wanted to share it with the world.

I truly believe that my bracelets, combined with the right essential oils, will change your life for the better. Each piece is designed to give you long lasting scent diffusion while looking flawless and fashionable. My bracelets are handmade with love and intention; they are designed to make a difference in your life.

Welcome to Amabilis. Change your life with the flick of a wrist. 

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